Initially commissioned in 2008 at our Plate Bending site in Coseley, as a supplementary option to rolled and tack welded cylinders, this now enables Barnshaws to offer a complete rolled and welded service.
Job specific weld procedure specifications are created for all contracts, these being supported by our ever increasing procedure qualification records, and if necessary can be submitted prior to commencement of any welding for approval.
To maintain the contracted tolerances all cylinders are automatically re-rolled and inspected after welding as a standard practice, this eliminates the need for the customer to return any cylinders that may have distorted after their own welding, with the cost of transport alone making this service a viable option.
Any weld, if required, can be fully or partially tested by the designated non destructive method with the results interpreted to all major codes. In all cases, weld maps are supplied, on completion, to indentify the results to the item under test.
Barnshaws can offer single cylinders or multiple belted shells circumferentially welded up to 20 meters in length with a maximum weight restriction of 20 Tons.